Q: What is the objective of the IAP?
A: The objective of the IAP is to help manufacturers located in southwestern PA develop cutting-edge technologies that will accelerate their business development and growth, and enable them to gain a competitive advantage in local, national, and global markets.
The IAP is a project-based initiative that will provide a source of funding necessary to address the technology and/or new product development needs of existing manufacturers by connecting them with the necessary prototyping, design, testing, and analytical capabilities. The desired outcome of this initiative is to make manufacturers in southwestern PA more technologically innovative, productive, and profitable through the creative use of local resources.
Q: What is the profile of a typical IAP project?
A: IAP projects generally fall into 1 of 3 different categories: 1) New product development 2) Process improvement 3) New manufacturing processes
Innovation is the key to all successful IAP projects. We want to see how you are pushing your technology envelope. The program is driven by the needs of manufacturing companies. The scope of an IAP project tends to be tailored to their specific requirements, but in general fall into these areas:
mechanical, chemical or electrical product engineering and design
rapid prototyping of product designs
product validation and testing
improved engineering or manufacturing processes
industrial analysis and overhaul of existing manufacturing techniques
robotic assembly or machining design for new manufacturing processes
machine customization for product manufacturing
advanced fabrication techniques
other projects that improve the competitiveness of existing manufacturers
Q: What is a typical period of performance for an IAP project?
A: IAP projects can be as short as 1 month, but most last for 9-12 months. In general, the period of performance for an IAP project is limited to 12 months.
Q: Who can I contact to learn more about the IAP?
A: The Scalable Innovation Program Manager can answer any additional questions and provide supplementary information. Connect with them here.