How It Works
Apply here. The sooner the better; we’d love to work with you to refine your proposal.
You may submit multiple ideas, or submit a revised proposal at a later date.
Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis. We will notify you if your application is accepted, rejected, or held for future consideration.
If your application is accepted, we will work with you to outline a scope of work, timeline, repayment provisions, and cost estimates.
These details will be used to draft a contract outlining all expectations and responsibilities.
Once the contract is signed, the project begins and you must provide proof of expense incurred, for which IW will reimburse you for 50% of each eligible expense up to cap specified in the contract.
The project ends when the scope of work is completed, the contract deadline is reached, or the reimbursement cap is reached.
At the conclusion of the project, you must complete a final report that summarizes the impact of the project.
Here is a copy of the final report template.
You will be required to complete an impact survey annually for 5 years following the conclusion of the grant.
Here is an example of the IW Impact Survey.
For more information, sign up for a time to chat with the program manager here.
Who is eligible for IAP funds?
Grantee must have a significant PA presence
Grantee must be a manufacturing business located in one of the following 8 counties: Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Washington, or Westmoreland
Grantee must identify eligible expenses in excess of 2 times the reimbursement cap outlined in the contract
Grantee must be willing and able to pay vendors without receiving reimbursement for up to 1 month
Grantee must agree to complete impact surveys, which include annual revenue and job creation statistics, annually for 5 years after the project is completed