

Q: Can I update my application after it’s submitted?

A: Yes! We encourage you to complete our application sooner rather than later. Once we have an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, we can help you strengthen your proposal. You can also submit multiple entries for the same project (or different projects) and we can merge and update old applications on the back end. We’re happy to talk through the process with you, but it’s best if you fill out the application before signing up for office hours.

Q: This sounds too good to be true. What strings are attached to these funds?

A: We respect this healthy skepticism. The short answer is that the only thing we require in return for grant funding is a final report (example template here) and 3 annual impact surveys (example here). IW is a nonprofit economic development organization whose mission is to grow the economy of southwestern PA. The data collected from these reports allows us to quantify our impact with our funding sources and continue to provide these grants.

Q: Why are grant recipients only reimbursed for 50% of their costs?

A: There are several reasons for this: 1) most of our funding sources require “matching funds” from the grant recipient; 2) this helps to ensure the funding goes to companies that are serious about scaling their products; 3) a key objective of the Scalable Grant program is to incentivize the development of meaningful relationships that will grow to benefit both parties.

Q: Do I need to have a manufacturer lined up for my project to be considered for Scalable funds?

A: Nope! We encourage you to complete our intake form early and often. Once we have an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, we can help you find the right supplier and strengthen your proposal. It’s important to know that your proposal can’t be funded without a quote from an eligible supplier.

Q: Which suppliers are eligible for Scalable funds? What companies can apply?

A: Any Pennsylvania-based startup can receive Scalable funds as long as they are utilizing small-to-mid-sized manufacturers located in one of the following 9 counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Washington, or Westmoreland. Check out our Scalable Database or schedule a meeting if you need help finding a supplier.

Q: How quickly can I receive funds from Scalable?

A: This depends on the time of year, funding source, and project. It’s safe to assume that the fastest you would be able to receive funding is 6 weeks, but most projects will take about 10-12 weeks between application and receipt of first funds.

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