Innovation Adoption Program (IAP):

Sparking growth, innovation, and progress in the manufacturing industry

The Innovation Adoption Program provides manufacturers in southwestern Pennsylvania with grants of up to $25,000 to develop or adopt a new process, product, or technology that will have a significant and tangible impact on their business. IAP grants aim to achieve the following impact:


Increased profitability through cost/time saving or new revenue creation


The creation of new jobs in Pennsylvania and/or


Retention of jobs that would be in jeopardy from an inability to keep up with current technological trends.

Helping SWPA manufacturers reach the next stage of scale



Projects Funded




Companies Funded

Discover how RPM Industries leveraged IAP to unlock new partnership opportunities:

Examples of Other Grantees:


Q: What is the economic benefit of IAP funds?

A: Innovation Works' mission is to boost the economy of southwestern PA. We believe one of the most important ways to do that is to ensure our region's manufacturing industry is keeping up with the increasingly competitive global landscape.

Q: How long until we might receive funding?

A: This depends on the time of year, funding source, and project. It’s safe to assume that the fastest you would be able to receive funding is 6 weeks, but most projects will take about 10-12 weeks between application and receipt of first funds.

Q: What type of projects are best suited for IAP?

A: The ideal project is one that utilizes advanced technology to provide a significant potential growth in revenue or meaningful reduction in manufacturing costs for your company. The grant is meant to give you that little bit of incentive to move one of those transformative ideas from the back-burner to the front. Read about one of our recent projects here and check out our full eligibility criteria here.

What’s next?

Whether you’re ready to submit your idea or want to get additional information about the program, we’re here to help.